Wednesday, December 30, 2009

long overdue london weekend

so ive been dreading putting up this final post because i knew it would be lengthy. i guess ill give a brief recap of my awesome last weekend in europe with Jessica-Phillips in London. i left bilbao on the 18th of December and flew to london. JP wasnt getting there until the next day so i made my way to her aunts flat alone. of course my luggage started to break so it was a lot of fun getting it on and off the tube once again. i guess my trip wouldnt have been complete without one last luggage failure. i was exhausted and sore so i spent the night in and just relaxed. JP wasnt getting in until later so I went to Abbey Road and Oxford Street during the day. JP's flight was cancelled so she was sent on a wild goose chase to find another way to london. she ended up flying to birmingham and then taking a train to london. I was so happy to see her! it was almost like we were back in August just starting our trip together. i couldnt have thought of a more perfect way to end my semester than in the place where it started with one of my best friends! we saw billy elliot!!!! (we literally had to run before they locked us out of the theater because we were a bit late!) and then we rode the double decker bus around and looked at all of the christmas lights. sunday was jam packed. we shopped up and down oxford street and saw even more decorations, we went to the Winder Wonderland in Hyde Park, we made our way back to notting hill and had a strawberry beer in our favorite pub then we attempted to find the street where the movie "notting hill" takes place on but were given the wrong directions by a disgruntled local ha. we rode another bus around and got off at a random stop where we saw a tube station. we took the tube to kings cross and saw Platform 9 3/4! once again, a security officer thought we were idiots. when we asked him where it was he responded "o, you mean the half a trolley sticking out of a wall." YES! that is exactly what we meant. i didnt know the next time i would be in london so i wanted to see everything i could. we headed back and packed for our day of traveling. we got to the airport early, which was good then embarked on what seemed like the longest flight EVER!!!!!! i watched so many movies/tv shows and didnt really sleep at all. we got to atlanta and went through a very thorough customs process then waited for our next flights. at that point my tiredness really hit me. the flight to new orleans was ok, i was so ready to be off planes by then. when i walked out into the arrivals i was so delirious i didnt even see my family with the huge banner until they yelled my name haha. i cant really put into words how i felt.i dont think i could explain it really. here are the pictures from the weekend. enjoy!

Friday, December 18, 2009

crossing the t's and dotting the i's

the past few days have been a jumble of bittersweet memories. wednesday amanda and i took a trip up the funicular. it was the second time i had been up it but i was glad i went again. the views of bilbao from there are amazing. there is something about being able to oversee things that makes you step back and appreciate it a little more. afterwards we wandered around casco viejo in search of some gifts amanda needed to buy. we got some coffee at this awesome little to go place and then headed back to the dorm. we had our closing ceremony that night. the practicum class put on a play at the beginning (amanda (my roomie) was in it) it was really good! after the directors talked a little bit and gave us our grades etc. everyone went to the crazy horse pub after for a drink together. nothing big after that just packed and hung out with friends at the dorm.

thursday, all of my dorm buddies left at 5am! i woke up and saw them off but the combination of me being half asleep and surrealism made it feel like they werent really leaving. i went back to bed for bit then had to wake up to drop a box off at a friends and also tell Lauren goodbye. i then returned to the empty dorm to pack. right as i was about to leave for kimberlys (i stayed there for the night) the fire alarm went off! this was just fantastic since i missed the talk on what to do during a drill on the count of my birthday monday (i thought it was a legit excuse). i made my way to kims and lo and behold, my other suitcase breaks. i was upset for more than one reason. it was then i started to realize everyone was gone. i couldnt turn to amanda and laugh at my lack of luck. one bright side was that i had another suitcase i bought in rome. sadly i had given it away, so i had to be an indian giver and take it back (sorry). Kim and I had lunch with Conchi (her host mom). I love that lady more and more. she is absolutely hilarious. we had a convo at lunch about racism which then turned into a conversation about people who put dead people in food (dont ask me). after lunch kimberly and i went to the Guggenheim one last time and saw and exhibit on "Dog Day Afternoon." I picked up a puppy poster and then we headed to casco viejo to the christmas market. we bused it to the dorm so i could get the suitcase and then we went to the grocery to get ingredients because we made dinner for Conchi and her daughter. it actually turned out really good for all of the improvisation we had to do. we made crusted oven fried chicken, broccoli casserole, mashed potatoes and a cheesecake type desert. conchi and her daughter liked it! kim helped me repack and then i headed to bed!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

life is like a slideshow

i am officially finished with school for the semester. it feels WONDERFUL to have finals out of the way but now that ive been sitting here, its starting to hit me that this is all ending. classes are over, i have my last english class with the girls tonight, all reminders of the end. dont get me wrong, i miss my loved ones so much but im going to miss Europe so much. I love this continent and cannot wait to come back! i think i might need to wait on reflecting on my time here because it will make me sad. plus i still have tonight and London this weekend to look forward to!

Monday, December 14, 2009


so zorionak is Euskera for felicidades or congrats/happy birthday!

i had a great 21st birthday! it was probably a bit more tranquil than it would have been in the states because of finals but i still had a great time! My day started off with a final in my Spanish culture class which ended up being muy facil. I came back to the residence to find my room decorated!
My friends hung up streamers and some decorations my mom sent me! I had a nice
nap in the afternoon and studied for my two finals on Tuesday. I went with some of my best friends here out to dinner! It was so much fun, i couldnt have asked for more. we went to a restaurant called "crazy horse." it is a very cool place, they play a lot of american classic rock and have records on the walls. they also have awesome french fries and bbq sauce! dinner was excellent, then
my friends surprised me with a cake! my mom sent candles so we used those. little did i know, they were trick candles.i swear the entire restaurant filled with smoke because they kept coming back to life. we then decided to put them in a glass with water, but even then they kept re-lighting! after some frantic reaching across the table we poured a combo of water and maybe a little cerveza on them haha. we had a great time on one of our last nights here!
i felt very loved and am grateful to everyone who made my birthday so special!

Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes!

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Friday night we had a Christmas dinner gala at the dorm! It was fun and very entertaining. Its kind of a big production here. All the guys had on suits and the girls put on their best dresses! Of course, we didnt want to be maleducado, so we dressed up too! The residence choir sang christmas songs before and then we went to the dinning hall to eat! A few weeks ago we had to sign up for tables. Amanda, Taylor, Astrid, Molly, Rachel and I decided to be a table. I was not aware that you were supposed to name your table (for the sake of place cards) so upon arriving in the dinning room, we discovered we had been given the name "Little Timy". We are not quite sure if it referred to A Christmas Carol or what but we all thought it was pretty funny. The food wasnt great but I wasnt expecting it to be haha. The company was what made it fun. The six of us each told what we are going to miss about each other and reminisced on all of our fun times. At the end of the dinner, they passed out goody bags and champagne. We proceeded to discover party hats, masks, blowers, streamers and a novel in spainsh! (yes, the book was a random surprise, I got "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" in spanish haha). We had a great time toasting and playing with our party favors!

Kimberly's birthday was saturday night so we baked a cake and went out on the town to celebrate! I was so happy i could spend her birthday with her in Spain!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

last class

today was the last day of classes.
agridulce is the best word to describe how i'm feeling. bittersweet.
we have two days of finals and then our closing ceremony next week, thats it. its over. a whole semester, gone. it seems like its been so long but also like its gone in the blink of an eye. i know everyone says that, but its because its true. this weekend i am going to make the most of every minute i have with the people here. we are celebrating kimberlys birthday, have our christmas dinner at the residence and our last eramus party tonight!

he aprendido mucho y nunca olvidaré esta experiencia

Monday, December 7, 2009

everything is beautiful

this weekend was our long holiday weekend in spain! i went with amanda astrid and taylor to the Pyrenees! It was incredible. We left Friday en route to Jaca. We had to go through Pamplona again. We had a three hour layover so we decided to go ice-skating. it was amusing to say the least. I'm not the most coordinated person, so i was no Michelle Kwan. I was pretty proud that i didnt have to hold onto the wall the entire time! There was a local news station filming and i even got interviewed. Im pretty sure the guys were laughing on the inside the entire time at my attempt to communicate with them in spanish ha! We got on our bus and headed toward Jaca, a small town in the province of Aragon. The drive there was pretty incredible. We went in and out of the mountains and passed a beautiful lake. i saw so many of the tiny villages i love so much! We finally arrived in Jaca. From Jaca we took a cab to our hotel which was about 20km outside of the city. We stayed at Las Magas. it was a beautiful hotel, very modern and the service was great! the concierge even helped us workout a deal with a taxi driver who agreed to drive us around the whole weekend for a set price!

for our first full day in the Pyrenees we went to a small skiing village
called Panticosa. It was one of the most incredibl
e places ive ever been. on the drive there we steadily climbed higher into the mountains. we began to see more and more snow! leading up to the town were the most beautiful old houses and another lake. the cliffs dropped straight off and there was this jade colored lake! snow was still on
the ground (melting a little) but the town was so cute! astrid and taylor went skiing and amanda
and i explored the town. we got to go into the church, which was built in the 11th century! It never ceases to amaze me when i see these chruches that are hundreds and hundreds of years old still standing. the brains that must have gone into their construction blows my mind. they are completely made of stones but still are beautiful and strong. we meandered through the tiny
streets and looked at all of the stores. one of my favorite things was that they had Christmas music playing throughout the city! amanda and i even came upon a family of kittens. they were so
cute! we couldnt resist, so we bought a can of catfood and fed them. it might not have been the best idea but we couldnt help it!

sunday we decided to explore the town of Jaca. we attempted to go iceskating but the lady who worked there was adamant that we come back at 5 since they were closing soon for lunch/siesta. instead, we walked to the old town. we wandered through the streets, stopping at the occasional store (no buying, just browsing for me). we made our way to the cathedral
(it wasnt a cathedral like notre dame, but it was beautiful on the inside). as we were walking in we realized mass was starting so we decided to go! It was a lovely service, and such a blessing to be able togo to mass in such an old, historic building. after we went to lunch at a restaurant our driver
recommended called La Cadiera. this was probably the highlight of they. We felt so "spanish" because we ordered dishes typical to the region of
Aragon, and they were DELICIOUS! One was called Migas (bread, kindof crumbled but moist with flavoring, and an egg!) it doesnt sound like much but is was sooo good! I also got sopa montanesa (spanish version of french onion soup) which was excellent. taylor and astrid ordered typical meat dishes which were delicious as well! we had such a good time eating and talking. lunch took a while (another reason we felt spanish). after, we walked to "la cuidadela" (the old fortress, similar to the one i saw in Pamplona). all in all, it was a great last weekend trip! it was very relaxing and care free. i will definitely miss the ease of traveling here. i have had some great times with good friends!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

winding down

so this was our last full week of class....and its over. we (the dorm kids) also had our first goodbye today. Our neighbor Aida, a Norwegian nursing student, left to go back to norway today. it was weird because it didnt quite exactly feel like she was really leaving. she was the sweetest person ever, always smiling! i will miss her. another sad thing about today was that it was our last class with our teacher Fransisco. He is one of my favorite professors i have ever had. he loves learning the most random things in english and always makes us laugh. he is also a great teacher! he is having surgery tomorrow. we all hope he is well enough to come to our graduation ceremony thing. on a high note, we have a five day weekend/holiday! i am going to the Pyrenees! hopefully there will be snow and many pictures to share with yall!